A soundscape that complements the maritime landscape
The program, in its diversity of content and musical moments, will create a "soundscape" that will complement the "maritime landscape".
On the quays, at Fécamp Grand'Escale, you will find three stages, each offering a different atmosphere: a large "musical festival" stage, with a superb view in the background of the sailboats' movements; a cabaret tent, conducive to listening, dancing, and "jamming" - musical moments shared by the musicians who wish to join in -; an acoustic stage (without sound system) in the courtyard of the Boucane du Grand Quai, a place to listen to lament singers and other storytellers of sea stories. In addition, there will be bands that will stroll along the quays in music
During five days, forty formations, from the soloist singer to the choir or the group of ball, will make resound popular musics. If that of the people of the sea will be naturally in the honor, you will also be able to discover and savor traditional, current, classical, strolling musics... A rich range of musical genres to please all audiences. Each group is presented on this page.
Over the days, different daily themes will be declined, here are some examples:
In addition to the concerts of the groups, there will be strong moments of shared music, specific to Fécamp Grand'Escale:
Fécamp Grand'Escale - 14 Grand Quai - 76400 Fécamp
contact@fecampgrandescale.com - Tél : 02-27-30-93-07
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